
Planning Applications

Evenley Parish Council receives details of applications from West Northamptonshire Council (WNC). The clerk then submits the views of Evenley Parish Council’s nominated planning representatives who take into account the views of local residents.

To view/make comments on applications

For guidance on WNC planning regulations and to view/make individual comments on an application please visit the Planning Register

To view all applications in Evenley, visit WNC’s planning portal and enter ‘Evenley’ into the keyword search.

Most planning applications are made to West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) who then have responsibility to ask all interested parties including neighbouring properties, the county council and the parish council for their views on the development.

The parish council is, therefore, a consultee.

The issues the parish council CAN consider include:

  • loss of privacy/impact on residential amenity
  • overshadowing/overbearing impact
  • highway safety, traffic and parking issues
  • noise
  • visual amenity/street scene
  • wildlife
  • historic buildings and conservation
  • flooding
  • design and materials
  • appearance of the development
  • capacity of infrastructure – schools/public transport etc

Issues the parish council is NOT able to consider include:

  • loss of view
  • effect on property values
  • private rights
  • boundary disputes
  • construction noise

Planning applications are considered at the next available parish council meeting and included on the agenda.


Planning Advice

Planning Applications are normally discussed by the full Council at its meetings, but occasionally due to response time constraints, applications may need to be addressed outside the normal meeting programme and comments submitted will then be reported to the next full meeting of the Council and formally recorded.

Whilst the Parish Council considers and comments on all applications affecting the parish, the controlling authority is West Northamptonshire Council who will consider the planning policy merits of the comments submitted.

To find out more information on a particular planning matter visit the Planning Register then enter the application number (eg 2024/1740/FULL) or set the parish to “Evenley”. To read or make comments, please click on the application number.