
Clubs & Classes

Village Hall Club

The Village Hall Club runs a prize draw each month.

Thank you to all of our existing members, we now have 200!

The prize money to be distributed each month will now total £100 and will be allocated thus:

1st prize – £40, 2nd prize – £25, 3rd prize £15, 4th & 5th prize – £10 each.

**Please note, there are eight spare numbers (out of the 200 maximum) available. If you would like to take one (or more) up, please contact Tony Stevens

If you would like to register to take part or have any queries, please contact Kim Golding

Bridge Club

The Bridge Club meets in Evenley Village Hall every Wednesday evening from 7 – 10.00 pm.

For further details of membership please contact Jose Golding 01280 703400

Please join us, novice to experienced players all welcome.

Join us for a glass of wine and crisps every 1st Wednesday of the month, leading on to ‘Win with a 2’ on the 3rd Wednesday of the month and win a bottle of wine!!


Film Club

Films are shown in the Village Hall, on Monday evenings of each month.

No membership fee, everyone welcome just pay on the door. Please come and support us, and watch the film in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

To receive e-mail updates of dates and films showing or more information contact Alison Atkins on 01280 705056, or e-mail: [email protected]

For those not on e-mail, posters with full information are displayed in the Evenley Village Shop and the Village Hall Notice Board.

7.30pm start. (village hall doors open 7.15) – Everyone welcome!

Pay on the door – £5 (cash only please).

Bring your own favourite tipple.

Bell Ringers

St George’s Church bell ringers are a small group of people maintaining the ageless tradition of church bell ringing.

We are looking for willing volunteers of all ages to learn to ring throughout the local benefice. Ringing is a skilful art which offers free exercise to the mind and body. There is a great fellowship on offer and there are no age limits.

Whilst bells are rung in Evenley and training is offered on a 1:1 basis, you will be required to travel to provide the service in Croughton, Aynho and King Sutton where there are insufficient ringers at the moment to ring before church services.

During March 2019, Lucy Burnham (one of our junior ringers) was awarded with an ART certificate level one in bell handling – congratulations Lucy!

If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Paul Bennett on 01280 703904 or email [email protected] or look for Brackley Bellringing on Facebook

Evenley Handbell Ringers

The Evenley Handbell Ringers were formed in 2022 when Brian Sinclair discovered an unused set of handbells in the bell tower of St Peter’s church, Brackley. The tower captain informed him that there was a keen group of ringers in the 1980’s but had ceased ringing since then.

The Church kindly allowed Brian to take them away on loan, to see if he could form a ringing group. Since then, a small group of dedicated villagers under conductor Deborah Davis, have been learning the craft of handbell ringing and developing a small portfolio of tunes.

They couldn’t have progressed without the invaluable help of the Launton Handbell ringers who have supplied music and technical assistance.

We recently hosted a concert with them and raised a significant sum for our charity, the Alzheimer’s Society.

Historically, bell ringing in various forms has been going on for hundreds of years and we are hoping in our small way to carry these traditions forward to the next generation.

The Ringers meet every Monday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. in the village hall. We practise for about an hour and then stop for tea; you can’t get more traditional than that.

If you are interested, do come along and speak to us. We are very friendly and welcome new members. Alternatively, you can email Brian, [email protected].

You can hear the fruits of our labours on the Green on Coronation weekend May 7th

Women’s Institute

Evenley Women’s Institute (WI) reformed in 2019.

Evenley WI meets at Evenley Village Hall on the first Monday of every month at 7.30 pm. New members and visitors are always welcome.

For more information, please contact [email protected] or visit the WI Website.


  • President: Alison Kendall
  • Secretary: Zelda Carr
  • Treasurer: Liz Warrender

Committee Members: 

  • Karen Booth
  • Deborah Davis
  • Sharon Finegan
  • Rosie Hawkins
  • Stevie Haynes
  • Susan Lilley
  • Helen Venis

Gardening Society

Evenley Gardening Society is one of the village’s longest established organisations with eligibility for membership confined to the residents of Evenley, Brackley and the surrounding villages. The current annual subscription is £7 per household or £3.50 for a single household where one person lives alone. There is a meeting charge of £3 (member) or £4 (non member), which includes tea or coffee and biscuits.

Monthly meetings cover a wide range of extremely interesting gardening topics and are addressed by visiting guest speakers. They are held in the Village Hall on the third Tuesday of each month, beginning at 8 pm, except in June, July and August.

The December meeting is traditionally a social occasion, including a visit from members of the St Georges Church Choir, entertaining us with Christmas carols.


We hold an annual plant sale (free admission and parking). The society sources quality plants and shrubs from a local independent nursery. The sale is usually held mid May in order that annuals do not have to be protected from cold weather for very long.  There is also the opportunity for members to purchase flower and vegetable seeds at a substantial discount through the society.

Despite most garden centres having their own loyalty card we can still enjoy a 5% discount on the production of your membership card at Preston Bissett Nurseries (only on new plants). All the society’s activities are publicised in its newsletter which is distributed to members several times each year.

We welcome new members, just come along to our next meeting and if you enjoy it you can enrol on the night.

If you would like to find out more about us please telephone Joyce Stevens (Chair) on (01280) 702861 or email [email protected]

Village History Society

Resident Phillip Scaysbrook launched Evenley Village History Society in September 2024.

It has its own fascinating website at Evenley Village History Society (evenleyhistory.org.uk) but there’s room for more!

Members are already researching well-known village families, planning interviews with long-standing residents and trips to Kew National Records Office and its Northamptonshire equivalent.

If you would like to be involved please contact Phillip at [email protected]