
Parish Clerk

Cathy Knott3

Cathy Knott

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01280 423295

I joined Evenley Parish Council as clerk in 2016.  I live locally in Westbury with my husband Andy where I am also clerk to Westbury Parish Council and have been heavily involved in the development of the village hall there.  Previously I enjoyed a career in teaching and in administration.

My role as clerk is to support councillors to maintain and improve the facilities in Evenley and assist with strategic planning and all other areas of village life.  I am also the responsible financial officer, and look after the council’s accounts which are audited annually.


Cathy Ellis1

Cathy Ellis


Council Responsibilities: Village Green & trees, planning, clerk’s appraisal, newsletter, website, HS2 & Highways, Evenley Common and bus shelter

Tel: 01280 308568 or 07779 672646
Email: [email protected]

After a career in corporate communications, I gave up full-time work to become a part-time freelance writer when my children arrived.  Chris, the children and I moved to our first home in Evenley in 2002 and I changed career to become a landscape gardener a job I still thoroughly enjoy.

My aim as a councillor is to ensure our parish is protected, maintained and where necessary improved for the future.

Jeff Peyton Bruhl6

Jeff Peyton-Bruhl

Council Responsibilities: Speed signs, notice board, defibrillator guardian, clerk’s appraisal, bus shelter and Evenley Common

Tel: 01280 473157 or 07989 589720
Email: [email protected]

for hall extensions and improvements, then as Chairman.

Ruth and I moved to Evenley in 2000 from Brackley with our two sons.  Partially retired now, my career has been spent in the motor industry, selling to major fleet customers.

I’ve been chairman and entertainments officer for the village hall raising money for hall improvements and extensions and now as a councillor hope to help improve village life for all.

Jean Morgan1

Jean Morgan

Council Responsibilities: Planning & West Northamptonshire Council

Tel: 07595 606065
Email: [email protected]

My husband and i moved to Evenley in 2006 to continue my career in local Government.  I retired in 2011 and have since been secretary of Evenley Matters as well as a parish councillor.

I am passionate about local democracy and want to make sure the Parish Council serves our local community.

Charles Reader3

Charles Reader

Council Responsibilities: Allotments and Evenley Common

Tel: 01280 702964/ 07762 055704
Email: [email protected]

My family and I have lived in the village for over forty years at Cloisters Farm on Bicester Hill and specialise in rearing award-winning Jersey cattle.

In 2020 we opened Barnowl Farm Shop and promote the role of farming in the community and route of food from farm to table.

Matt Brown1

Matt Brown

Vice Chair

Council Responsibilities: TBC

Tel: 07506475858
Email: [email protected]

Anna and I moved from Brackley to Evenley in 2008 with our three sons.  I have spent my career in executive positions in the leisure industry but recently took retirement.

I am not ready to ‘hang my clogs’ up yet so am enjoying mentoring, voluntary work and some non-exec roles to keep my busy.  I am keen to support the community and encourage greater engagement.

Spencer Burnham6

Spencer Burnham

Council Responsibilities: Street Lighting, Internal controls (finance), bus shelter and electric car charging points

Tel: 01280 843973 or 07796 266356
Email: [email protected]

My family and I moved to Evenley in 2011. I have spent my career running my family’s large landscaping business as well as financing waste projects here in Northamptonshire.

When not working or walking my dogs, I follow Northampton Saints and play golf.

Paul Crompton1

Paul Crompton

Council Responsibilities: Signage, Events, Village Hall liaison

Tel: 07765 406943
Email: [email protected]

I have lived in Evenley for over 20 years.  For eleven of those Angie and I have been landlord and landlady of the Red Lion pub.  When we took it over it had been closed for a year and we turned it into a thriving community pub.  Today our son Ollie runs the pub whilst I act as head maintenance manager and assistant cleaner!

Previously, I enjoyed over 30 years in corporate life, latterly based in Kazakhstan, where I lived for three years, an experience I was fortunate to have and will never forget.  Having listened to customers views on village life for years, I joined the parish council in order to maybe give a voice to those views.


The warden roles are important voluntary roles specifically focused around a task or activity supporting our community. Below is a list of the current warden roles and post holders within the Parish of Evenely.

Please help to support our warden scheme by contacting the appropriate person directly with any concerns or contributions.

Bus Service Liaison

Brian Sinclair

Tel: 01280 841324

To liase with Northamptonshire Council to try to reinstate a bus service in Evenley.

Evenley Common (mowing)

Charles Reader

Email: [email protected]

To mow the pocket park and cut hedges and verges when appropriate.

Flag Warden

James Alder

Email: [email protected]

To raise the flag on dates specified by the Parish Council, guided by: Flag Institute Information about Evenley’s flag

Footpath Warden

Guy Moody

Email [email protected]

To monitor the state of parish public footpaths and to report any obstructions or damages to bridges, stiles and kissing gates.  To act as Evenley’s point of contact for any complaints about the state of the footpaths and follow them up if remedial action is not taken.

Neighbourhood Watch

Charles Woodgate

Email: [email protected]

Evenley is part of the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and Charles is our co-ordinator. If you would like to register to receive regular crime information relevant to our Parish then please contact Charles on his email above.

The Neighbourhood Watch scheme in the United Kingdom is a partnership intended to bring people together to make their communities safer. It involves the Police, Community Safety departments of local authorities, other voluntary organisations and individuals and families who ostensibly want to make their neighbourhoods better places to live. It aims to help people protect themselves and their properties and to reduce the fear of crime by means of improved home security, greater vigilance, accurate reporting of suspicious incidents to the police and by fostering a community spirit.

Snow Warden

Kim Golding

Tel: 01280 703400

To check the levels of salt/grit in the 8 bins, strategically placed around the village, before the end of November each year and to report to, either the parish clerk or MGWSP, any which need filling up before the winter. To continue to monitor the level of salt/grit in the bins throughout the winter, especially after usage.

Tree Warden

Cathy Ellis

Email: [email protected]
Tel:  (01280) 308568

To survey the trees on the village green and pocket park, accompanied by a representative of the parish council, examine the trees for any signs of damage/decay and provide advice on possible action